CJAS Editors
The CJAS Editors are ultimately responsible for the content of the publications. They may occasionally consult distinguished scholars who serve on the Editorial Advisory Board.
Coordinating Editor
Belinda Dodson - University of Western Ontario
Associate Editors
- Jess Auerbach - University of Cape Town
- Lesley Braun - University of Basel
- Melchisedek Chétima - Université du Québec à Montréal
- Vanessa Dos Santos Oliveira - Royal Military College of Canada
- Christopher Gore - Toronto Metropolitan University
- Akin Iwilade - University of Edinburgh
- Gillian Mathys - Ghent University
- Jean Ntakirutimana - Brock University
English Book Review Editor
Jonathan Roberts - Mount Saint Vincent University
French Book Review Editor
Gibson Ncube - Stellenbosch University
Editorial Advisory Board
- Francis Akindès - Université Alassane Ouattara de Bouaké
- Timothy Balag'kutu - University of Professional Studies
- Aymar Nyenyezi Bisoka - Ghent University
- Yolande Bouka - Queen’s University
- Karen Büscher - Ghent University
- El Hadji Camara - Université Assane Seck Ziguinchor
- Nadège Compaoré - University of Toronto Mississauga
- Elizabeth Cooper - Simon Fraser University
- Marie-Christine Cormier-Salem - Institut de Recherche pour le Développement
- Nicole Eggers - University of Tennessee Knoxville
- Ifeanyi Ezeonu - Brock University
- Samba Diop - University of Oslo
- Euclides Gonçalves - Kaleidoscopio: Research in Public Policy and Culture
- Shireen Hassim - Carleton University
- Amelie Hien - Laurentian University
- Christopher Isike - University of Pretoria
- Bas’llele Malomalo - Universidade da Integração Internacional da Lusofonia Afro-Brasileira
- Amy Niang - The Africa Institute
- Oluwatoyin Oduntan - Towson University
- Gedion Onyango - University of Nairobi
- David Perfect - University of Chester
- Zelalem Teferra - Addis Ababa University
- Kristof Titeca - University of Antwerp
- Noémi Tousignant - University College London
- Awet Weldemichael - Queen's University
- Paul Tiyambe Zeleza - Case Western Reserve University