Canadian Journal of African Studies Seeks English Book Review Editor
Applications are invited for the post of English Book Review Editor for the Canadian Journal of African Studies. The role is initially for a three-year appointment, renewable for a maximum of two further three-year terms.
Closing date for applications: 1 February, 2025
CJAS is committed to equity and diversity and wants the editorial team to reflect the diversity of the African continent and the study of Africa. We encourage applications from candidates based in Africa or the African diaspora, visible minorities, women, scholars at all ranks and career stages, persons with disabilities, and persons of any sexual orientation or gender identity.
About the Journal
The Canadian Journal of African Studies (CJAS) / Revue canadienne des études africaines (RCEA) is the official publication of the Canadian Association of African Studies (CAAS). Launched in 1967, it is a bilingual multidisciplinary journal committed to facilitating the dissemination of research on Africa by scholars working in Canada, Africa and elsewhere.
CJAS publishes across a range of subject areas including anthropology, political science, history, sociology, literature, human geography, and development. The book review section provides critiques of recent books on Africa in general and on individual countries.
For more information on the journal, please visit http://www.tandfonline.com/rcas
Role Description
The Book Review Editor will initially serve for three years, renewable by mutual consent for a maximum of two further three-year terms at the discretion of the CJAS Board. The Book Review Editor will be supplied with a copy of the journal’s guidelines for book reviews and access to a reviewer database. This is a volunteer position, but a modest annual allowance is made to the CJAS editorial team to cover expenses. The greatest reward of this position is the chance to survey new books published on Africa.
The Book Review Editor will:
- Identify new titles (in English) to be reviewed in the journal and contact publishers to obtain copies;
- Receive copies of books sent by publishers to the journal for review;
- Identify potential book reviewers and maintain a database in terms of subject specialisms, and geographical representation, especially in African countries;
- Attend academic conferences to promote the journal, expand academic networks, and recruit potential reviewers;
- Work with the CJAS Coordinating Editor and T&F Production Editor to process book reviews for the journal in a timely fashion;
- Ensure that all reviewers uphold the journal’s code of publishing ethics;
- Send PDFs of/links to the published book reviews to the publishers concerned;
- Send an updated list of books available for review to CAAS for communicating via the CAAS mailing list, website, and social media platforms.
Candidate Qualifications
Applicants should have recognized academic expertise and an established record of published scholarship in African Studies, and should be actively involved with scholarly networks within the field. Key qualities include energy, enthusiasm, organizational skills, and the ability to meet deadlines and work effectively within a team and with a major commercial academic publisher. Applicants should have clear institutional recognition and support for this voluntary activity for the duration of the three-year appointment. Applicants must also be based somewhere with a reliable postal service so that they are able to receive and mail out hard copies of books.
Application Procedure
Interested candidates are requested to email a letter outlining their motivation and qualifications for the role, along with a full C.V. including a list of published books and/or journal articles, to Dr Jonathan Roberts, current English Book Review Editor of the journal, at jonathan.roberts@msvu.ca .