Executive contacts
The CAAS Board of Directors consists of the principal executive members elected annually and the Editors of the Canadian Journal of African Studies who are ex-officio.
The principal contacts for the CAAS Board of Directors for 2021-2022 are:
Isaac Bazié
Université du Québec à Montréal
Outgoing President
Temitope Oriola
University of Alberta
Nduka Otiono
Nicole Haggerty
Western University
Bonny Ibhawoh
McMaster University
Nadège Compaoré
University of Toronto
Finance Chair
Digital Innovator
Katrina Keefer
History Department, Trent University
2021 Conference Organizer
Graduate Student Representatives
Gladys Akua Agyeiwaa Denkyi - Manieson
Central University and University of Ghana
Dianah Byaruhanga Ajuna
University of Ottawa and Open AIR
Esther Ekong
University of Ottawa and Open AIR
Canadian Journal of African Studies
Coordinating Editor
Belinda Dodson
Dept. of Geography, University of Western Ontario
Martin Evans
Coventry University
Philippe Frowd
University of Ottawa
Gillian Mathys
Ghent University
Jean Ntakirutimana
Brock University
Vanessa Oliveira
Royal Military College
Book Review Editor
Jonathan Roberts
Dept. of History, Mount Saint Vincent University
Managing Editor
Roger Riendeau
Innis College, University of Toronto
CAAS Office
Canadian Association of African Studies
Institute of African Studies, 439 Paterson Hall
Carleton University
1125 Colonel By Dr.
Ottawa ON K1S 5B6
Tel: (613) 520-2600 x 2220
Email: caasacea@caas-acea.org
Director of the IAS
Audace Gatavu, Executive Director, execdir@caas-acea.org
Sarah Katz-Lavigne, CAAS Communications and Advocacy Officer, communications@caas-acea.org