Call for content

The Newsletter Committee is delighted about the relaunch of the CAAS newsletter. The newsletter has multiple sections including ‘Living history of CAAS’, ‘Faculty profile, ‘Graduate student profile’ Research news’ (including ‘Refereed publication of the month’), ‘News from Africa’, information about job opportunities, internship, funding, and exciting news from members such as new positions, promotions, conferences, workshops, additions to family, etc.

We are pleased to receive content from CAAS members. Consider sending us information about:

  • New publications
  • Research, funding and collaboration opportunities
  • New positions, promotions, retirement or additions to your family
  • Autoethnographical account of the history of and your engagement with CAAS (particularly from CAAS members who are retired or nearing retirement)

 Every issue of the newsletter will feature the profile of one faculty member and one graduate student. We are building a repository of fun profiles of members for use. We will contact as many CAAS members as possible with a set of interesting questions. Profilees are requested to submit a 50-word bio and two photographs for use in the newsletter. Kindly send relevant news items to  and copy 

 We look forward to sharing your amazing news!

    Carla, Damson, Dianah, Gladys, Katrina & Ofon.