2017 Annual Conference of the Canadian Association of African Studies (CAAS) - Call for Panels

Published on June 14, 2018

2017 Annual Conference of the Canadian Association of African Studies (CAAS) - Call for Panels

Conference Theme 2017 – Call for Panels

From Far and Wide: The Next 150

Date: 31 May – 2 June 2017
Location: The 2017 Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada

Contacts for Congress 2017:

Local Arrangement Coordinator: Joey Power, CAASACEA2017@arts.ryerson.ca

Program Chair: Sarah Katz-Lavigne

Call for Panels

Greetings Fellow African Studies Scholars “Far and Wide”

In 2017 CAAS is convening in Toronto at Ryerson University under the banner “From Far and Wide: the Next 150”. CAAS, in an effort to build this year’s conference from the “bottom up”, and to address themes of greatest importance to its members, is asking you, the conference attendees, to set the agenda by first proposing full panels around themes of interest to you. We are therefore sending out an early call, not for papers, but for panels. If you have a theme or group of scholars who wish to present on a theme or area, please submit your panel proposal by October 31, 2016. Once we have panel proposals and potential panel contributors, we will post the themes around which these are organised on our conference website and then issue a general call for papers. Paper proposers may then select the themes/panels to which they hope to contribute (from those posted) OR they can propose individual papers and allow us to do the work of organizing papers into panels (as we have done in the past). If your panel theme attracts more than four presenters/papers, we will endeavour to set up a series of panels to be held consecutively so that those interested in these themes can attend all panels on those themes.

Panel Proposal Submission

The deadline for submitting panel proposals is October 31, 2016. Please submit your panel proposal to: CAASACEA2017@arts.ryerson.ca

Each panel proposal should include a panel title and brief description (150-200 words), the name of the panel organizer(s) and of panel participants. Please provide the email addresses of all participants along with their institutional affiliations and paper titles and abstracts of 200 words. Panels should consist of no more than four papers. A call for individual papers will be issued after the end of October.
CAAS has endeavoured to have our conference dates overlap with those of the Canadian Historical Association (CHA), the Canadian Association of International Development (CASID) and the Canadian Political Science Association (CPSA). We strongly encourage panel proposers to liaise with members of these associations in an effort to create joint panels. Please note this in your panel proposal upon submission and every effort will be made to schedule your panel with this in mind.

Important Notice

Please note that there has been a change to CAAS policy. CAAS Conference registration fees now include a mandatory annual membership fee. All presenters at the conference must be members of CAAS or one of the other organisations involved in joint panels with CAAS.  All fees must be fully paid by April 15th or the Organizing Committee will remove non-member participants’ contributions from the program.

Information on registration and membership options will be available on the Federation of the Social Sciences and Humanities website soon.

The organizing committee, the Board of Directors of the association, and all of its members look forward to welcoming you at Ryerson University in the spring of 2017!

You may wish to begin booking your accommodations for the conference. Please see http://congress2017.ca/plan-your-trip/accommodations for more information.


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